Resilience - English Edition

Resilience - English Edition

Ella Gabriele Amann
  • Become resistant to setbacks and stress
  • Be more successful at work and more relaxed towards life
  • Be a resilient leader
Bestellnummer E10710APDF

How we can get over setbacks, deal with uncertainty and cope better with stress? The author explains how we can develop greater powers of resistance and presents the theory and practice of fostering resilience. Approach your job and each new day with optimism!

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ISBN: 978-3-648-06835-9
Auflage: 1. Auflage
Umfang: 128 Seiten
9,99 €
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Ihre Auswahl:Resilience - English Edition
Resilient people's life is easier

Resilient people have an easier life - they can overcome setbacks better than others. This pocket guide contains techniques and strategies for greater resilience. Numerous practical examples will help you to strengthen your powers of resistance. Managers who want to make their companies more robust will find all the answers in this book.


  • The meaning of being resilient: inspiration from the fields of brain research and neuroanatomy
  • Managing crises and change with confidence: coping with insecurity and mastering complexity
  • The three elements that foster resilience
  • Self-regulation and stress management
  • The resilient company as a mission statement: eight guiding principles for resilient leadership



Resilient people have an easier life - they can overcome setbacks better than others. This pocket guide contains techniques and strategies for greater resilience. Numerous practical examples will help you to strengthen your powers of resistance. Managers who want to make their companies more robust will find all the answers in this book.


  • The meaning of being resilient: inspiration from the fields of brain research and neuroanatomy
  • Managing crises and change with confidence: coping with insecurity and mastering complexity
  • The three elements that foster resilience
  • Self-regulation and stress management
  • The resilient company as a mission statement: eight guiding principles for resilient leadership



Resilient people have an easier life - they can overcome setbacks better than others. This pocket guide contains techniques and strategies for greater resilience. Numerous practical examples will help you to strengthen your powers of resistance. Managers who want to make their companies more robust will find all the answers in this book.


  • The meaning of being resilient: inspiration from the fields of brain research and neuroanatomy
  • Managing crises and change with confidence: coping with insecurity and mastering complexity
  • The three elements that foster resilience
  • Self-regulation and stress management
  • The resilient company as a mission statement: eight guiding principles for resilient leadership


ISBN: 978-3-648-06835-9
Auflage: Auflage/Version: 1. Auflage
Umfang: 128  
Ella Gabriele Amann

Ella Gabriele Amann ist seit über 15 Jahren Trainerin und Coach in den Bereichen Kommunikation, Gesundheitsförderung, Stress- und Burn-out-Prophylaxe. Mit Qualifikationen als Systemischer Coach, Systemische Familientherapeutin und NLP-Trainerin initiiert und leitet sie u. a. Train-the-Trainer-Maßnahmen und Workshops zu den Themen Kommunikation, Leadership, Embodiment und Resilienz. Seit 2010 ist sie Leiterin der impro live! Akademie für Angewandte Improvisation und des ResilienzForum Berlin.